Monday, April 1, 2013

Weblog 5

Coming into the class, I barely had any knowledge about either side of the argument, other than what I heard about violence in Israel from friends and family.  With that said, I am a Jew and from my prior knowledge I would be pro-Israel for everything.  Going into this class I had no idea what was going to happen with any of my views, but I definitely opened up my opinions.  From listening to all of the guest speakers and reading about people on both sides of the conflict, I really believe that it is the highest authorities involved that are making this difficult to solve.

I don't think my position has necessarily changed or strengthened, but I can say that my knowledge on the topic has definitely increased.  I know more about both sides than what I did before and I know that it isn't all about Palestinians just pouring terrorist attacks into Israel for no rhyme or reason.  Listening to people from the Palestinian side made me realize that they are not bad people or mean to hurt anyone, they just want peace as well.  Reading into the stories about Israeli and Palestinian kids getting together makes me want peace more in the Middle East.  It is sad that they cannot come together to make something work because of the obstacles within the governments.

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